5050.ly is a video entertainment website that aggregates the best of social videos and presents it to the user in a fun and interactive way.
The Method
Before the design and development of the product, I needed to make sure I had identified the larger stages to help track progress of the project and save time overall.
- Conduct a competitive landscape
- Conduct user research
- Create an actionable persona
- Sketch-out wireframes in Balsamiq Mockups
- Design a visually appealing mockups in Adobe Illustrator
- Establish which technologies will be needed for the project
- Develop the product
- Establish means of feedback and improve the product
Competitive Landscape & User Research
Firstly, a competitive landscape was conducted in order to understand the user’s demographic and expectations. I was able to identify that most of our content would be aggregated from JukinVideo and FailArmy. We utilized the analytics provided my ChannelPages to get a better view of the audience. We were able to gain the following information on our target audience:
The Takeaway
Geneder: 92.7% Male
Age: 69.5% 18-35
Location: 24% United States
Special: Users like to submit videos. Less than 1% of users share videos with their friends. Almost 2 videos are expected to be uploaded a day.
Create an Actionable Persona
The next task was to create an actionable persona. This persona helps me answers questions about end users tasks and goals so that I can better make decisions about the development and design process.
Balsamiq Mockups Wireframing
To get a better understanding of what the website should look like, I created a few wireframes in Balsamiq Mockups. The wireframes were put together in a few minutes to help guide the design process for the rest of the project.
Adobe Illustrator Mockups
Next I designed some visually appealing mockups in Adobe Illustrator CC. This makes the development process a lot faster and easier trying new ideas quickly instead of trying to change CSS styles repeatedly.
Establish Technologies Needed for the Project
- HTML5 – Content Markup
- CSS3 – Content Styling
- Object Oriented JavaScript/JQuery – Animations and Real-Time Styling
- AJAX – Asynchronous Loading of Videos and Connection to MySQL Database
- PHP – Session/Cookie Handling, Form Processing
- MySQL – Storage and Management of Video Library Information
Get Feedback & Improve the Product
5050ly offers multiple ways for users to give feedback. There is a built-in contact form on the website, a Facebook fan-page, and a Twitter page.